Access your free credit report today!

Trustpilot ranks checkmyfile as the UK’s top credit report service.

Trustpilot ranks checkmyfile as the UK’s top credit report service so it’s no wonder we receive so many questions about how to use their service to improve a credit score with the aim of applying for a mortgage.

Checkmyfile provides a complete overview for those that sign up as they include data from three of the major credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, taking away the task of creating multiple logins.

A clear overview can make it quicker to identify what’s wrong and what’s right on your reports, as well as provide a view of up to six years of history of payment performance.

The service is currently free for 30 days and then £14.99 thereafter. You can cancel this at any time.

Click the button below to sign up for your free trial. Once you sign up, you can access a downloadable PDF of your credit report at the bottom of the page.

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